Here are some fun pictures taken while on this “journey”.
🙂 Note: the captions on the pics are all in good fun. Humor. Get it? 🙂
Nice work, grasshopper.
“Go West, young man.”
“I can tow this twin with my bare hands. No problem!”
“Is this a wide load?”
“I can get you a top down picture for your paint scheme. Just don’t open the door too high!”
Mike rips off the masking paper. Think he is happy to show off his hard work? 🙂
Dusty work? Nah. 🙂
You are correct, Granddad. I am a super cool airplane builder.
What’s this gooey stuff called again? Oh yeah, sealant.
This airplane building stuff is fun.
Fine by me. You are hereby cleared to solo. In your own airplane.
Hang on, I need to check my Instagram.
This micro requires a lot of concentration, Granddad.
Yes, my hand will fit in here. I’ll sand that bulkhead for you, Grandad!
Man, that eclipse was bright even with this welder’s helmet!
This is how you fly upside down, Granddad.
I think you should add more cabosil. Just trust me.
You and your custom everything. I got your overhead switch panel right here, pardner.
I really like this air hose thingie. Anything else that you need cleaned off?
Seriously, this will be a perfect canard tip.
Yes, this is what you call a custom mount for the O2 bottle.
And a custom camera mount coming right up!
Wow, this thing got hot in a hurry!
Granddad, my gear door is definitely going to be better than yours. 🙂
How does this work again?
Why do you keep insisting that everything fits well? Okay, fine.
I have achieved victory!
I see what you mean. Yep, we are going to have make a serious change to the aileron geometry.
Only a few hundred more nut plates, and we are good to go.
Yes, I am an A-1 airplane building assistant.
My gosh, it actually flies!