While we were building our Lancair Legacy, we were planning on selling our Baron. Which we did. So when we learned of a tired looking Grumman Traveler for sale on our local airplane, we bought it. Our thinking was that we could at least stay airborne during the Legacy build.
We bought it “just right”, but it needed some TLC, so we set about making it much nicer. The panel looked practically brand new and had nice radios, so we only needed to add a nice Garmin GPS.
Then we had a friend paint it for us. We designed the “Star” paint scheme ourselves. We bought a used spinner and polished it up, and acquired a set of wheel pants as they were missing. We added new wingtip light lenses, and other little touches. When we were finished, it looked super nice. A lot of people even asked us what kind of kit plane it was. 🙂
Next, we installed a new interior. Now the airplane literally looked brand new. It had less than 2,000 airframe hours and the Lycoming O-320 had about 350 hours.
We flew it all around to stay current and have fun. After we got the Legacy flying, we sold this airplane. We made a very nice profit. In spite of that, there are many times that we both regret selling it. It was a terrific little airplane with great manners. Landings were a breeze.